Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Seriously, it’s high time now to say “No to Drugs” ~ the story of Brayden Travis

Drug usage among teenagers is rising at an alarming rate across the world. The dangerous trend doesn’t seem to wait, even for a second.
Brayden Travis, an American, became a victim to drug addiction during the wee years of his life. The narration of Brayden’s story by his mother Kelly, in an effort to create awareness , will move you to the core.
Here it goes,
“I normally don't share or discuss personal issues on FB, however I feel this is necessary due to the nature of this horrific situation!
My son is Brayden Travis and he is 18 years old! Most people on here know him, or know of him. You're about to learn something very personal about him, but it serves as purpose as you read!
My son is an addict and has struggled with drugs since he was 15 years old. My son's first choice of drug was marijuana, which in time led to other drugs. The ultimate dead end road drug for my son was heroin, as is for a lot of teens/adults. He used last Wednesday at some point in the night and overdosed from a very deadly cocktail of heroin & Xanax. Heroin alone will kill you, as well as Xanax. He laid for at least 7 hours or longer before he received medical attention due to no one calling 911, possibly in fear of suspected consequences. Medical personnel believe my son should have been dead long before he was able to get the medical attention he needed, but for some unknown reason he has stabilized. His lungs and kidneys had failed and his heart was functioning at 10-20%. His body temperature was 90 degrees and was very cold to the touch. Brayden ended up with severe pneumonia from aspirating. I was told by two doctors he wouldn't make it through the night. Brayden has pulled through all of it besides the damage to his brain. While overdosing and in nonresponsive state, Brayden suffered a stroke. He has experienced severe damage to the Hipocampus and Cerebellum parts of his brain.
Neurologists tell me he will never wake up and if he does, he will remain in a vegetative state. It's been exactly one week since Brayden has overdosed. He is making progress, but we have a long road to travel. Even though the outcome is not expected to be positive, as a mother I will not give up until I have exhausted all options and know that I've done everything I can. Although I'm not, nor will be prepared to, I now I will need to let him go and send him on his way if we receive no results once all of our efforts have been exhausted. Miracles happen everyday and my son is a fighter and very strong.
I share this with each of you in hopes that you won't feel pity or be offended, but rather share and get these pictures in front of your teenagers. Don't be scared to share the horrific outcome of what most likely will happen when using heroin! It's not the only drug that will kill you either.
PLEASE! PLEASE!......if my son's story and picture can save one life or contribute to the education and awareness of drug abuse, then he and I are very happy! He wouldn't want this for anyone else and he would tell anyone not to use drugs...ever! I can tell you he tried to fight this addiction and I pray this time it hasn't won!

HOPE and PRAYER has made miracles happen with the progression of his recovery so far. If you want to know what you can do, please continue to pray! Thank you and please share and share and SHARE! I want this story and pictures put out there for all to see!”

Brayden, before becoming an addict

Brayden, after OD
The good news is Brayden did not succumb to the overdose. He woke up and is happy.  When I enquired Brayden’s mother about his present health condition, she told me, “He only has to relearn to walk and use muscles again. Everything else if completely healed besides brain damage (Anoxic brain injury)”. 

Brayden, now

Brayden is back from hospital. He’s doing great and is recovering steadily. Yes, he got a second chance to live but the bleak truth is, others might not be as lucky.
The picture of drug abuse is no better even in India.
Statistics reveal that at least 25,426 people committed suicide due to drug and addiction related problems in the last 10 years across India. This comes down to an average 2,542 suicides every year, 211 per month and 7 per day.
During the last four years (2011 to 2014), around 100 million kilogram of drugs was seized across India.
 The only way to put an end to this misery is by saying ‘NO to drugs’ because..
“no child’s dream is to become an addict, no parent intends to raise an addict. It can happen to anyone, no one is immune to the disease of addiction. So when someone “judges or says it’s their choice, think again” – unknown author.